
Friday, May 11, 2012

Incessant rain and trança da casca do milho

Two days non stop rain - the ground is saturated, the rivers are almost overflowing and leaks are appearing that never leaked before, due to the direction and force of the rain (almost horizontal at times).
Never the less we are thankful for the rain for the farmers who needed the rain, but all the animals are looking like they have had enough now. It has been said too much rain in May can have an effect on the quality and quantity of the grape harvest.
Wow, we have read, surfed the net, baked, eaten way too much, had lots of good snuggles with the cats, braided all the husks that were collected with Maria but right now we would appreciate the suns return.

Nath has taken a video of me braiding the corn husks, the lighting is not the best but listen closely and you can hear the rain in the background.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Diatomaceous Earth

Seemed like only yesterday we were plagued by caterpillars eating our sweet potato leaves. The thought of the caterpillars has risen again as it is time to plant sweet potatoes.
 Our garden is chemical FREE and we plan to keep it that way. During our investigation looking for alternative ways to reduce this caterpillar we came across Diatomaceous Earth and what an incredible product it is.
 It was effect with the caterpillars and equally with reducing the ants and fleas which are now appearing with the spring rain.
So who would have thought this product was suitable for man to ingest. Yup it surely is with amazing benefits. .
Be sure to add it to your pets food and sprinkle on their coat against fleas.

We are now adding it to our diet and boy are my nails growing at a rapid rate.