On our recent visit to Lisbon we spent an amazing 5 days enjoying the city and what it has to offer. One of the highlights for me was a visit to a store that stocks all sorts of interesting Portuguese products.
As we have previously posted, we use a number of Portuguese manufactured products for example Couto toothpaste, 444 para depois de barbear, soaps etc. as we feel that if we don't support local manufacturing and companies they will eventually die out or be swallowed up by huge multinationals.
I suggest you visit http://www.avidaportuguesa.com and have a look at what they offer.
While we were looking around I found a product that I used when I was young,
a Quadro Ardosia which is a wooden framed slate that you can draw on either with a slate pen or with chalk.
I said to T it looks like a prehistoric iPad, amazing!!
Well later that day we went to a large store called http://www.elcorteingles.pt where I got to try the new Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet. WOW!!!
What we miss on the island is a place where you get to see and touch all the latest NEW stuff (on the other hand then we would not have a trip to the mainland to look forward to). It was great and I want one.
Then today reading news on the web I found an article from May 2013 http://www.sammobile.com/2013/05/31/galaxy-tab-10-1-doesnt-infringe-ipad-design-rules-says-supreme-court-in-the-netherlands/
basically it says
"Apple has tried to ban the Tab 10.1 in the Netherlands because they said it infringed their design patents. They said it was a rectangular shape with rounded corners.
The Supreme Court said in the verdict: Apple’s design right is valid, but the protection it offers is very limited due to earlier similar designs, also known as prior art.
Because the shape and form are in many more products manufactured by many other companies this limits Apple’s design right.
“Apple was not the first to design a tablet with a rectangular shape and rounded corners,” “No company should have a monopoly on general designs,” Samsung stated."
Come on!! Apple - the quadro ardosia looks like a iPad/Tablet even works like a tablet, you write on it, you take notes on it.
Instead of spending money suing, reduce the price of your products, do something good for the world, be NICE!!
Let innovation flourish, and creativity triumph.
So Samsung, visit http://www.avidaportuguesa.com and buy a quadro ardosia to take with you to court as evidence -
you can even take down notes with it while you are there.

OR the next time you get sued by apple for infringing the look of an Ipad -
just send them a link to my website, and with the costs you save,
you can give me a Galaxy note 8.0.
BTW Samsung its my birthday in a few days (subtle Hint) you can contact me via my blog
que bom!