
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Viarco Pencils in Portugal - brands with history

A brand that is manufactured in Portugal and that we saw in many shops in Lisbon is Viarco.  Their website is excellent and the range of products that they do are all on the website, There is an aquarelle pencil, A huge stick of graphite for huge drawings as well as coloured pencils and many others. An interesting video about the company is available here to watch, the commentary is in Korean, I think but there is a lot of Portuguese as well. IT IS EXTREMELY INTERESTING as the gentleman in the video says, the factory is not a static museum it is a working museum.

A tourist in the video says it is not very modern. I think that he is wrong  - it is great that it is not modern and that people have an opportunity to see how things are made on a small scale using old machines and that the people that have worked there for many years have an opportunity to still work and create a unique product for the market.

The machinery may be antique but the marketing , website, and product development are current.

Marcas com história por viarcoportugal

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