Well todays packages included a bench grinder wheel dresser, for me AND Tanyas seeds, this really exciting stuff as it is such a pleasure to grow anything in this temperate climate. Tanya enjoys growing medicinal herbs and our neighbour has come to understand that, when we first got here she was telling Tanya to pull out the "weeds" and when T told here they were medicinal she didnt say anything more. Tanyas main interest is complementary medicine and she practises reflexology, reiki, metamorphic technique and a newly acquired access bars, all amazing, especially when you are on the receiving end.
Well we now have Tea Tree seeds, Sea Buckthorn, Wild Cucumber, Mexican Coriander, Motherwort, Evening Primrose, Marshmallow, Ox Knee, Patchouli, Vitex, Ashwagandha, and Hibiscus sabdariffa for tea. You would think making tea is simple, but here at no 32, there is too much choice. Tea sometimes entails a trip out into the rain and wind to pick some lemon grass, or lemon verbena (simpler because it is closer to the kitchen door), sage or even nettle. T calls her herbal brew - tea, as that is what she has always known as tea but others might call this an infusion or tisane. Tisane sort of sounds like tea, anyway.
Today we added some horse manure to our Labyrinth garden, and some sawdust for the paths of the Labyrinth. - There will be a seperate post on the labyrinth.

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